
February Playlist

Hello my loves, this month playlist is really a mix between feelings. February was crazy wild and lots of things happened to me. Also i fell in love with everything about Sam Smith.

Hope you like it.
1.Lay me down - Sam Smith (Karaoke right here)

2.Style - Taylor Swift (I loved the guy in the video)

3.Uma Thurman - Fall out Boy

4. Tonight I'm getting over you - Carly Rae Jepsen

5. Night Changes - One Direction

6.How you get the girl - Taylor Swift

7. Earned it - The weeknd

8.Luxury - Jon Bellion (Check him out!)

9. I Cannot love you - Telekinesis

10.R u Crazy - Conor Maynard

11. How to be a heartbreaker - Marina and The Diamonds ( PERFECTION )

12.500 miles - Proclaimers (HIMYM)

13. You're the one that I want - Lo-Fang (OMG!)

14.7/11 - Beyonce

15.Leave your lover -Sam Smith

This month as I said was crazy and this playlist is also a lot of fun to listen it has a bit of everything. 

Love, F


Time, time, time.....

Guys I'm the worst, I swear I'm trying to post more but it is been just so difficult with school, exams and training.

My month so far hasn't been all love and smiles like it should or like I wanted it to be, I was crushed at some point but I'm getting up again! An if you are down let me tell you it gets better at some point just keep your priorities on focus. Achieve your goals.

That's the best revenge on anyone, let them see you happy and smiling and working hard to make things happen. 
That is the best advice I have.

I've been practicing how to draw texture and I'm super excited! As soon as I get some free time I might post some examples. 
Also I'm loving the new Drake album. Go give it a listen! 

Love, F. 


Weekend madness

Hey guys, I am so terribly sorry for not posting, my internet is trying to make me turn to the hulk. 
This past Weekend was crazy a lot happen, some things good, some things bad and some things were meant to happen for good. It was difficult and right now I have a lot to handle and a lot to think about, I am sure somehow I will come thru and get back on my feet. 
Friends and family are always there for me and that is something I am really thankfull for. 
How was your weekend? 
Love F.


Japan goodies.

Hi guys! Sorry i didn't post anything yesterday it is just that I got really tired and fell asleep right as I touched my bed, I got back school after holiday just yet and it is hard to wake up super early in the morning. I barely have time to like get dressed and feed myself. Any way the thing I love most about school are actually my language courses and the supplies ( I spent every little chance I get to make them as colorful and cute as I can, not even joking) recently I got this adorable erasers in a japan shop that are shape as little fruit, they are beyond lovely. Japan shops are actually some of my fave they have so many things, I also bought some pocky sticks in green tea matcha and coconut, so yummy!. 

Fruit erasers: Pineapple, lemon, peach, melon, apple, orange
Crayon erasers: panda (blue) girraffe (green)
Gum: Puccho: yogurth and tangerine flavored gum candy.

I got an entire box with 18 different color crayons but this were my fave.
even thought each one of them are beautiful 

This Pocky were litearally the best thing ever, they were crunchy,
and the box is just oh so pretty.

Online I purchased this popin cookin thingy that apparently comes with lots of powder to make candy sushi just from adding water! It sounded so interesting I ordered a bunch of them. As soon a they get there I might just make a post or a video to try them out.

What are your favorite treats? 
Let me know in the comments 

So sorry...

Guys I am just so terribly sorry about not posting anything at all and being as dissapeared this past days. I've been super busy with volleyball practice now that season began, and also school has been super heavy. This year I'm starting with college applications and I am just so saturated with work. 

It is no easy task trying to balance everything and still be a social and nice looking person, but hey! I can try. I promise I'm gonna try my best to manage to do everything I can and be a more active blogger. 
Stay tunes for Valentine's post and more.
Are as buisy as I am or more? 

Love, F



Hello loves, I've been focusing a lot more in drawing and trying new styles this week, I have come up with some ideas some for the blog (stay tuned) and some for my own drawing technique. This past days I have been working really hard and almost squishing my brain out for creativity. And I found this cool book on the internet that is exactly about that. Searching for creativity some times might be stressful (I know for me is!) so this book is to help you look inside you and focusing in what's important, it also teach you how to properly activate your brain and breath. It is a short reading but is oh so lovely and I strongly recommend it. I will leave the link for the free download of the book here. 

KOO ROO Creative Aid Handbook

This helped a lot and also searching for inspiration in Pinterest and some of my favorite photographers on instagram. I actually draw some beauty's.

They are however not finished and I'm looking forward to that, drawing is one of my joys in life and I adore to portrait the human body and also focusing on the eyes because they are "the window to the soul" in my own opinion.

Let me know what you think, and how do you find creativity and inspiration. 
Hope you enjoy
Love, F


FITNESS HAUL: Zara, Adidas, VS, etc..

Yeah.. For today's post I wanted to show you guys some of the things I bought from the after holidays sales that are beyond extreme because first of all finding something pretty in your size (I'm an S or XS, I'm petite) is SO hard but I did what I could.

Now that it is still the beginning of a new year and everyone has those goals of becoming a fit person I took the challenge and I myself I'm looking forward to actually become one. For that I needed cute workout clothes because if I'm honest, everything is more fun when you like your outfit. So I went on and try to find cute workout clothes along with other cuties.

Adidas Climate-cool with blue details

Adidas BASIC Running Top 

ZARA TRF Legging in striped gray with black details.
(I love the black detail in the ankles)

Old Navy Running shorts in electric blue

ZUMBA Neon Yellow Tank Top 

Leggings from L-ex (local boutique)
 in navy blue with mint details
bright pink with tangerine details

New Balance Sports Bra in Fucsia  
Old Navy Running shorts in black and gray with white detail
Yoga Mat in blue
Sony Water proof: Athletic earphones in bright pink
Victoria Secret : "I'll work out tomorrow" Bottle
Iphone Running Band in Black

Neon pink with lace detail tank top from American Eagle Outfitters 
Let me know in the comments what do you think and if you want to see a Work out routine in another post.
I will really like to get focused this year and work in my body.
What are your goals for this year?
Love, F.